Yahoo! Movies - Provides a description, cast list, user reviews, links, and a message board. -
Rotten Tomatoes: Plan 9 from Outer Space - Reviews, synopsis, mistakes, quotes, credits, posters, links, and a forum. -
IMDb: Plan 9 from Outer Space (1958) - Plot outlines, taglines, cast list, trivia, movie mistakes, user reviews, and a message board. -
Bad Movies: Plan 9 from Outer Space - Review, plot summary, stills, audio clips, and a video clip. -
Allscifi Plan 9 Spotlight - Very detailed analysis of the movie, and listings of similar films. Sign up to become a movie scholar on the site. -
Bright Lights Film Journal: Plan 9 from Outer Space - Plan 9 from Outer Space (1958): Ed Wood's crown jewel, and the film by which he is best known. Subversion is the film's driving force, and Wood does it with style. -