Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
- Official movie site from Kevin Smith's View Askew productions. Includes news, a cast list, plot summary, production notes, photos, downloads, reviews, and articles.
- http://newsaskew.com/va5/
File Thirteen: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - C- review by Lodger. Includes a report card rating script, acting, cinematography\lighting, special effects\makeup, and music. - http://www.filethirteen.com/reviews/jsbsb/jsbsb.htm
Rotten Tomatoes: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Links to movie reviews, synopsis, cast and crew information, multimedia, and forum. - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/jay_and_silent_bob_strike_back/
Wikipedia - Open content encyclopedia article describing the movie, cast members, trivia, and box office results. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_and_Silent_Bob_Strike_Back
Strike Back Against Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - An anti-Kevin Smith movies site focusing on the last movie of the Jersey Chronicles. Includes articles, a mailing list, message board, cast list, and links. - http://www.jayandsilentbobstrikeback.com/
DVDwolf: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Favorable movie and DVD review. Includes price comparisons. - http://www.dvdwolf.com/Reviews/J/Jay_and_Silent_Bob.htm
EW.com: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - B+ review by Mike Flaherty. Includes user comments. - http://www.ew.com/ew/article/review/video/0,6115,202118~2~0~jayandsilentbob,00.html
HARO Online: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - A review rating the movie "Not Bad". Includes a synopsis, and a few pictures. - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/jay_and_silent_bob.html
Movies for Guys: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - 5 star review by Billy Bob. Includes a message board, and DVD information. - http://www.moviesforguys.com/comedy/reviews/jayandsilentbobstrikeback.shtml
Metacritic.com: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - Information and a cross-section of reviews from many critics. Includes user ratings. - http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/jayandsilentbobstrikeback
All-Reviews.com: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - 4 star review by Steve Rhodes. Includes film information and links to other reviews. - http://www.all-reviews.com/videos-3/jay-and-silent-bob.htm
Peters Reviews: Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - Review rating 5 stars for Kevin Smith Fans, 3 stars for non-Smith fans. Includes links. - http://www.petersreviews.com/jandsb.html