Hollywood.com - The Majestic - Synopsis, cast, crew, multimedia and news. - http://www.hollywood.com/movies/detail/id/376234
Rotten Tomatoes: The Majestic - Links to reviews, multimedia, synopsis, cast and crew information, and forum. - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/majestic/
Yahoo Movies: The Majestic - Cast and plot information, release dates, and Greg's preview commentary on what the movie might be like. - http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hp&cf=prev&id=1808403179
IMDb.com - Majestic, The - Cast/crew, user comment, links, ratings, and other related information. - http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0268995/
Amnesiac Recalls His Best Lines - Sceptical review with ratings advice and a list of the movie's principle cast and crew. By Elvis Mitchell [New York Times]. - http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A07E6D6103EF932A15751C1A9679C8B63
The Majestic - Official site with preview and production notes. - http://movies.warnerbros.com/themajestic/
Warner Bros. UK: The Majestic - Official UK site for the movie features synopsis, production notes, pictures, downloads, and information on old-fashioned movie houses and the "Hollywood Ten." [Requires Flash.] - http://www.warnerbros.co.uk/movies/majestic/index.html
HARO Online: The Majestic - Movie review and pictures. - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/majestic.html
EW.com: The Majestic - Movie review by Lisa Schwarzbaum. - http://www.ew.com/ew/article/review/movie/0,6115,189276~1~0~majestic,00.html
DVDwolf.com: The Majestic - Review and DVD information. - http://www.dvdwolf.com/Reviews/M/Majestic.htm
Popkorn Junkie: The Majestic - Movie review that looks at awards the film should win, plot and director. - http://popkornjunkie.com/reviews/themajestic.html
All-Reviews.com: The Majestic - Film details and reviews of the movie from site staff. - http://all-reviews.com/videos-4/majestic.htm