IGN: The Machinist - Reviewer Steve Head cautions, "While you're watching it, keep on questioning what's real and what isn't" in this comprehensive commentary. - http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/393/393239p1.html
BoxOfficeMojo: The Machinist - Offers box office details, articles, news and analysis. - http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=machinist.htm
RogerEbert.com: The Machinist - "Near the end of the movie, we understand him when he simply says, 'I just want to sleep'", offers the acclaimed film critic. - http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041118/REVIEWS/40922016/1023
KillerMovies.com: The Machinist Movie Review - The real hero is Mr. Bale, who is in virtually every frame, his bulging eyes and near invisibility at just 119 pounds. Reviewed by Harvey S. Karten. - http://www.killermovies.com/m/themachinist/reviews/m92.html
JoBlo.com: The Machinist - Provides plot synopsis, cast and crew details, movie stills, related news articles and viewer popcorn meter rating system. - http://joblo.com/upcomingmovies/movies.php?id=213
SplicedWire: The Machinist Movie Review - An extreme, riveting exploration of how unbearable experiences can eat away at a person, literally body and soul. - http://www.splicedwire.com/04reviews/machinist.html
IMDb: El Maquinista (The Machinist) - Provides full cast list, awards and nominations, plot summary, memorable quotes, trivia, filming locations and discussion board. - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361862/
TheMachinistTheMovie.com - Official web site offers trailer in multiple resolutions and lengths. Requires Flash. [In Spanish and English]. - http://www.themachinistthemovie.com/