'Creepers' sequel takes ugly turn - A review by Jon Niccum. "If only Salva hadn't made the movie so emotionally ugly." - http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2003/aug/29/creepers_sequel_takes/
QNetwork: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review of the movie by James Kendrick. "The movie as a whole is, in fact, the very definition of unnecessary." - http://www.qnetwork.com/?page=review&id=1192
JaxMovies.com: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Sean Conover's review: "The story line is weak, and the dialogue flat and predictable, which all adds-up to be a pitiful excuse for a horror film." - http://www.jaxmovies.com/review.php?id=56
Film Blather: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Eugene Novikov reviews the film; "...plays like a manifestation of Salva's unchecked id." - http://www.filmblather.com/review.php?n=jeeperscreepers2
Chicago Sun-Times: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Roger Ebert's review of the film, "...first-class creature, a fourth-rate story, and dialogue possibly created by feeding the screenplay into a pasta maker." - http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030829/REVIEWS/308290302/1023
Teenagers Make the Best Hors d'Oeuvres - New York Times critic Dave Kehr reviews the movie. "Even monsters need more than one dimension to make it in the movies." - http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07EED81E39F93AA1575BC0A9659C8B63
Scarier with lights on - Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle reviews the movie. "Once night descends, the film descends with it." - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/08/29/DD74477.DTL
It's so bad, it's scary - Claudia Puig's review of the film. "Jeepers, the Creeper has little to recommend it." [USA Today] - http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/reviews/2003-08-28-review-jeepers_x.htm
TheWorldJournal: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Giancarlo De Lisi's review. "As far as contemporary horror films go, it is by far one of the better ones available to screen." - http://www.theworldjournal.com/special/movies/2003/jeeperscreepers2.htm
TheMovieBoy: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review by Dustin Putman. "... nothing more than a joyless, by-the-numbers, paper-thin disappointment." - http://www.themovieboy.com/directlinks/03jeeperscreepers2.htm
PopMatters: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Cynthia Fuchs reviews the movie. "...mucking about with the delineations of identities when set against ghastly, implacable otherness." - http://popmatters.com/film/reviews/j/jeepers-creepers-2.shtml
Nothing can fix this flat - Steve Persall of the St. Petersburg Times reviews the movie. "Talk about a lame psycho." - http://www.sptimes.com/2003/08/28/Weekend/Nothing_can_fix_this_.shtml
Nitrate Online: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Gregory Avery's review of the film, "...a fun experience which releases some cathartic chills in us before it's over." - http://www.nitrateonline.com/2003/rjeepers.html
Movies for Guys: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review of the film from the male perspective. "...a grand total of two stars. And the Creeper is the only reason it earned that second star." - http://www.moviesforguys.com/horror/reviews/jeeperscreepers2.shtml
Movie Vault: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review of the film by Nate Anderson. "Overall, the film has a good premise and a lot of potential, but the script here lacks where the original was strong...in the characters." - http://www.movie-vault.com/archive/cgi-bin/list.pl?action=moviereview&movieid=JHNoCFrvKVyDYYMv
Modamag.com: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Brian Orndorf reviews the movie, "...one big yawn." - http://www.modamag.com/jeeperscreepers2.htm
Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review by Jason Kolman: "...isn't an awful film, it isn't a great film. It is a good film." - http://godsmovie.com/reviews/jc2/jc2.html
HARO Online: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Haro reviews the film: "...doesn't even do a good job of setting up another sequel, which, unfortunately, will probably happen. " - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/jeepers_creepers2.html
Flipside Movie Emporium: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Rob Vaux reviews the movie: "...maintains the graveyard whimsy of its signature ghoul while providing some enticing new visuals..." - http://flipsidemovies.com/jeeperscreepers2.html
FlickFilosopher.com: Jeepers Creepers 2 - A review by Mary-Ann Johanson. "Sometimes bad is bad." - http://www.flickfilosopher.com/flickfilos/archive/2003/jeeperscreepers2.shtml
FilmHobbit.com: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Review of the movie by Michael Brody. "...a horror series that is willing to layer subtext beneath a toy-shop full of tricks." - http://www.filmhobbit.com/cgi-bin/movies/movies.cgi?action=showreview&review=jeeperscreepers2
Entertainmentopia: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Erich Becker's review; "...a film lacking any of the coolest parts of the original..." - http://www.entopia2002.com/reviews/movies/jeepersCreepers2.shtml
Aggressive-Voice.com: Jeepers Creepers 2 - Scott Spicciati's review of the film, "...looks good on the outside, but jeepers creepers, there's nothing on the inside." - http://aggressive-voice.com/zzz122.html