Zhang Ziyi CSC: House of Flying Daggers - Synopsis, cast and crew list, picture gallery, wallpaper, trailers, and reviews. - http://csc.ziyi.org/filmography/flyingdaggers/
Rotten Tomatoes: House of Flying Daggers - Aggregated reviews from critics and website users, movie information, trailers, photo gallery, news, and forum. - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/house_of_flying_daggers/
IMDb: House of Flying Daggers - Cast and crew, synopsis, forum, trailers, posters, photos, showtimes, and links. - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385004/
HelloZiyi.us: House of Flying Daggers - Ziyi Zhang fansite offers plot synopsis, pictures, video clips, trailers, music downloads, articles, and reviews. - http://www.helloziyi.us/Movies/HoFD.htm
House of Flying Daggers - The official site has trailers, a picture gallery, cast information, director's statement, review excerpts, and links. - http://www.sonyclassics.com/houseofflyingdaggers/