HARO Online - Haro reviews "The Forgotten." - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/forgotten.html
Qwipster's Movie Reviews - [2.5/5] Review by Vince Leo. "Too ridiculous to hold up to the end, The Forgotten manages to entertain most of the way, until the bottom drops out completely with a mostly nonsensical and overreaching finale that just can't match the solid build-up.& - http://qwipster.net/forgotten.htm
The Movie Insider : Forgotten, The - Review by Jack Moore. Also contains cast and crew, trailers, and user comments. - http://www.themovieinsider.com/reviews/read.php?rid=543
IMDb.com: Forgotten, The - Contains cast and crew, user comments, plot summary, and trailers. - http://imdb.com/title/tt0356618/