Future Movies: Cabin Fever - Review by Ed Colley including photographs and an interview with the director. - http://www.futuremovies.co.uk/review.asp?ID=85
Chicago Sun-Times: Cabin Fever - Roger Ebert's review: "The movie adds up to a few good ideas and a lot of bad ones, wandering around in search of an organizing principle." - http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030912/REVIEWS/309120301/1023
About:Cabin Fever - Cast interviews, news, and multimedia. - http://romanticmovies.about.com/cs/cabinfever/
DreamLogic: Cabin Fever - Review by Chris and Kris. - http://dreamlogic.net/REVIEWS/cabinfever.html
HARO Online: Cabin Fever - Haro reviews the film. - http://www.haro-online.com/movies/cabin_fever.html
Internet Movie Database: Cabin Fever - Plot summary, cast and crew, reviews, awards, quotes, trivia, production and distribution details, photographs, multimedia, and links. - http://imdb.com/title/tt0303816/
Cabin Fever - Official site with synopsis, cast and crew, production details, and multimedia. - http://www.cabinfevermovie.com/