United Drive-In Theatre Owners Assoctiation - U.D.I.T.O.A. is a trade group for drive-in theatre owners, with information for those who wish to own one. News, FAQs, statistics, and member list. - http://www.driveintheatre-ownersassociation.org/
Drive In Theater - Dedicated to the keeping the American drive-in alive, features links, photos, and a listing of the few remaining drive-ins left. - http://www.driveintheater.com
Drive-INventor - The history of the drive-in theater and how inventor Richard Hollingshead combined his two interests, cars and movies. - http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aa980121.htm
DriveinMovie.com - Guide to drive-in movie theatres of North America, plus historical notes, news, schedules, links and resources. - http://www.driveinmovie.com/