Movies Directed By Women - Unofficial organization offers members historical information and statistics on female directors. -
Women in Film and Video - Vancouver - Membership information, member directory, event listings, photographs, and links. -
Women In Film - Dallas - Membership information and benefits, award and scholarship programs, news, member information, and links. -
Women In Film - Atlanta - Membership details, industry news, educational resources, information about members, and links. -
Women In Film Las Vegas - Official site of the 44th chapter. Membership information, sponsors, resources, and related links. -
CineWomen - A non profit organization of professionals in the entertainment industry whose purpose is to support the advancement of women and their career goals. -
Reel Women - Non profit organization formed for the purposes of developing a permanent support system for women at all levels of experience in the film and video industries. -
Women in Film and Television - New York - Nonprofit, professional membership organization for women working in the film and television industries in New York. -
Women in Film - Seattle - Women in Film is an organization of professional women committted to working with integrity in the art and business of film. -
Women in Film - Dallas - Promotes and enhances the recognition of all professional women in the film and video industry. -
Women in Film - A professional organization founded in Los Angeles in 1973 with the commitment to recognize, develop, and actively promote the unique visions of women in the global communications industry. -
Women in Film Video - Organization promoting women in the media in New England. -
Women In Film - Central Florida - A nonprofit, professional membership organization for women working in the film and television industries. -