Box Office Guru
- Database of box office statistics on motion pictures released from 1989 to the present, plus weekend preview and review. International grosses, monthly averages, all-time blockbusters.
Yahoo! Movies Box Office Charts - Actuals for features currently in US theatrical release. Archive of recent charts and Top 100 all-time. -
The Numbers - Provides weekly, daily, and weekend box office data as well as box office totals for currently playing films worldwide. -
IMDb Charts - Weekly and all-time box office reports from the Internet Movie Database. Also includes rankings by geographic area, genres, top rentals, name searches, and user votes. -
New York Times Movies: Box Office - Weekly lists of box office results, with links to film reviews [free registration required]. -
Rotten Tomatoes: Box Office - Weekly top 25 box office results. Sort by ranking, gross, per screen average, and average critics' rating. -
Box Office Report - Box office figures for current films, archive of past reports, predictions for future blockbuster films. -
Entertainment Insiders: The Weekend Gross - Summary of current top 10; archive for past year. Also top 100 highest grossing movies of all time for U.S. and Canada combined, including re-releases. -
Worldwide Box Office - Domestic, overseas, and worldwide grosses of almost every movie released in the U.S. and Europe from 1900 to the present. Current year highlighted. -
Movielocity: Box Office - Weekend box office chart of top ten. Weekend gross, cumulative gross, number of screens, per screen average. Uses frames. -
Box Office Mojo - Top 60 U.S. feature films for weekend, international weekend box office by country. All-time top grossing pictures and weekends, best single days and opening days. Actors and actresses rated by domestic gross. -
The Movie Times - Weekly box office. Top 100 films ever in the U.S. and worldwide, top 10 opening weekends. Actors and actresses ranked by box office take. -