Just to Get a Rep - Film about the international graffiti movement and its relationship to hip-hop culture. General information, filmmaker details, multimedia, and press. - http://www.justtogetarep.com/
Jandek on Corwood - Documentary about a musician from Houston, Texas. - http://www.jandekoncorwood.com/
John Cale: Beautiful Mistake - Musical documentary explores the legendary underground rock musician's encounters with today's avant-garde and his ability to weave together this new music with the traditional sounds of Wales, his native land. - http://www.poptwist.com/cale/
John and Yoko's Year of Peace - A vision of love, a mission of peace. Starring John Lennon and Yoko Ono, with a variety of celebrity interviews. - http://www.thecelebritycafe.com/movies/full_review/115.html
Journey, The - Document the four years director Eric Saperston, his dog, and his crew spent traveling across the United States in a bus, conducting interviews with people such as President Jimmy Carter and actor and director Henry Winkler. - http://www.thejourneyfilm.com/
Jews in Armenia - Film by Vartan Akchyan documenting the existence of the Jewish community in Armenia. Film information, credits, and news. - http://jinafilm.net/