A Moment on Earth - An international documentary series capturing a single, simultaneous moment in 60 individuals' lives. The first film was shot August 5th, 2004 at 12:00pm GMT, and the second 12 hours later. - http://www.momentonearth.com/
Anna May Wong - Frosted Yellow Willows - a documentary film narrated by Nancy Kwan about the Chinese American film star (1905-1961). - http://www.anna-may-wong.com/
Aqua Burn - Documentary film examining the Burning Man festival held annually in the Nevada Desert. Film information, trailer, director's biography, reviews, photographs, quotes, and links. - http://www.aquaburn.com/
A Certain Kind of Death - Story of what happens to people who die that have no kin. Directed by Grover Babcock and Blue Hadaegh. - http://www.acertainkindofdeath.com/
Ayurveda: Art of Being - A film by Pan Nalin on the world's oldest continually practiced healthcare system. Description, director biography, credits, historical background, pictures, and links. - http://www.ayurvedafilm.com/
Amargosa - Film about artist and dancer Marta Becket. Film information, reviews, awards, screening details, pictures, media, and link. - http://www.amargosafilms.com/
AKA: Girl Skater - Synopsis, cast and crew biographies, photos, video, movie trailer and links. - http://www.girlskater.com/