Future Movies - Charlie Kaufman - Interview about his work on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Includes photographs. - http://www.futuremovies.co.uk/filmmaking.asp?ID=76
MSNBC: Charlie Kaufman: A True Original - Associated Press article about the idea behind "Eternal Sunshine," Kaufman's influence on the production of his scripts, and what inspires him. - http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4548741/
Salon: Being Charlie Kaufman - Interview about Kaufman's philosophy of screenwriting and work on "Being John Malkovich." - http://archive.salon.com/ent/col/srag/1999/11/11/kaufman/
Being Charlie Kaufman - Includes regularly updated news, a biography, articles, interviews, image galleries and theatrical movie trailers. - http://www.beingcharliekaufman.com/