Forgotten Stars: The Jerry and Delbert Story - An independent short comedy detailing the career of Jerry Boyd, ventriloquist, and Delbert Schwartz, vent figure. See their career ups and downs through interviews and archive film footage. -
Facing The Giants - Script preview, production call sheets, cast and crew lists, behind the scenes photo gallery and movie poster for download. -
Father Vengeance - Rosario Productions presents an urban action-drama short film. Includes showings and contact. -
Freak Out - Feature about a horror film fan and a friend who go on a rampage in their home town. Overview, cast and crew, press, trivia, photographs, forum, and links. -
Forgotten Heroes - Tribute to veterans of the Vietnam war, by Jack Marino. Film information, trailer, credits, and photographs. -
The Falls - Behind-the-scenes info on the cast, crew, production and visual effects. -
Forgotten, The - A film about American soldiers in the Korean war, directed by . Synopsis, credits, production images, trailer, and links. -
Friends and Family - A comedy about a gay couple who turn out to be mafia hit men, directed by Kristen Coury. Synopsis, credits, reviews, screening details, trailer, photographs, and soundtrack information. -
Feels Like Rain - Narrative drama about deception, murder, and revenge. -
Final Solution - Based on the true story of Gerrit Wolfaardt's life. Synopsis, trailer, cast and crew, photographs, media, and contact information. -
Francisca - Film about an ex-informant for the East German Stasi who flees to Mexico where he meets love and revenge. Cast and crew, synopsis, trailer, behind the scenes details, reviews, and festival information. -
Finding Joy - Official site of the independent Australian feature film by writer/director Billie Dean. Synopsis, cast and crew biographies, and pictures. -
The Flats - An independent film starring Chad Lindberg (Fast and the Furious). Directed by the brothers Tyler and Kelly Requa. Set to premiere at the 2002 Seattle Film Festival. -