Voices From the Gaps: Dionne Brand - Biography, criticism, and selected bibliography. - http://voices.cla.umn.edu/vg/Bios/entries/brand_dionne.html
100 Canadian Poets: Dionne Brand - Biography, publications, and list of critical materials. - http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/HUM/ENGL/canada/poet/d_brand.htm
A Poet First and Foremost - Article focusing on Brand's dislike of being called an activist and being asked the 'immigrant question'. - http://www.nsnews.com/issues99/w042699/brand.html
Canadian Poets: Dionne Brand - Biography, published works, awards, and a list of critical works about the poet. - http://www.library.utoronto.ca/canpoetry/brand/index.html