Elizabethan Stage Scenery - By Eva Turner Clark. Originally published in the October 1941 Shakespeare Fellowship Newsletter (American Branch). - http://www.shakespeare-oxford.com/?p=65
Poculi Ludique Societas - Sponsors of productions of early English drama from the Medieval period to the 17th century. - http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~plspls/
Records of Early English Drama Project - Web resources for theatre history, with annotated links arranged by subject. - http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~reed/reed.html
Rose Theatre - Discusses the 1999 reopening of the Rose Theatre, venue for the plays of Marlowe, Kyd, Jonson and Shakespeare. - http://www.brookes.ac.uk/VL/theatre/rose.html
(Renaissance Drama) Backgrounds and Contexts - Student projects for a class on Renaissance Drama, including papers on Ben Jonson, Thomas Kyd and John Webster. - http://virtual.park.uga.edu/~cdesmet/434groun.htm
Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance - Review of Katharine Eisman Maus's work on subjectivity and interiority in Renaissance literature. - http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/emls/01-2/rev_rap1.html