Wulfstan. Sermo Lupi ad Anglos - Old English text with words hot-linked to glossary. - http://faculty.virginia.edu/OldEnglish/anthology/sermo.html
Wulfstan: the "Other" Homilist - Analysis of the literary style of Wulfstan's homilies. By Brad Bedingfield. - http://www.english.uga.edu/~mathelie/mathi3.html#wulfstan
Wulfstan. Eschatological Homilies - Contains online editions of Wulfstan's five homilies on the last days. Gives for each homily the Old English text, Latin text, glossed versions of the texts, and modern English translation by Joyce Tally Lionarons. Also provides sources and analogues, tex - http://webpages.ursinus.edu/jlionarons/wulfstan/
Wulfstan, Archbishop of York - Discussion of Wulfstan's literary works and his place in Anglo-Saxon literary history. - http://www.bartleby.com/211/0705.html