Iraqi Writer - Published in Arabic, French, and English. Iraqi literatures include: Alsafna, poems and short stories. Also provides critiques, discussions and biographies. -
Saud Al-Harkan - A bilingual site containing the author's biography, bibliography, and philosophy. -
Ameen F. Rihani - A page dedicated to the Lebanese-American author and thinker. Site contains a biography, works in both English and Arabic, translations, tributes, and information on the Ameen Rihani Museum. -
The Arabic Christian Literature - An article by Dr. George Khoury about the contribution of the Melkites, the Jacobites, the Nestorians, the Copts and the Maronites to the Arab Christian heritage. -
Arabic Poetry - Provides English translations of poems by Amal Dunqul, Mahomoud Darwish, Khalil Gibran, and Nizar Qabbani. -
The Legend of Layla and Madjnun - The story and origin of one of the most popular legends of the Middle East. -
Arabic Literature Seminar at the ACLA - Invites papers for a Seminar on Arabic literature at the annual convention of the American Comparative Literature Association to be held in April 2001. -