3Lights Gallery - Three Lights aims to promote English language haiku, senryu and tanka being written around the globe today by both new and experienced writers. The gallery exhibits these short, fascinating poems in the form of a visual gallery. Webmaster Liam Wilkinson. - http://threelightsgallery.com
Paraverse Press - Here find Paraverse Press books on haiku and cross-cultural communication and other subjects by Robin D. Gill. Several of these are grounded in traditional Japanese saijiki. - http://www.paraverse.org/
Stylus Poetry Journal - An Australian poetry e-zine that includes haiku, with Jan Bostok as haiku editor. - http://www.styluspoetryjournal.com/
roadrunner - An online haiku magazine of the Southwestern USA, edited by Jason Sanford Brown. - http://roadrunnerjournal.net/
Reflections - A Haiku Diary - An irregular e-zine of world haiku in English including a wide range of poets. Very nicely produced by Harsangeet K. Bhullar. - http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~loudon/reflections.htm
Still: a Journal of Short Verse - Home page of the print journal, one of the zappiest zines of short poems, including haiku. Information on the richest haiku contest in the world, by ai li. - http://www.into.demon.co.uk
Wisteria: A Journal of Haiku, Senryu, & Tanka - This blog serves as the homepage for a new print journal featuring the said types of poems. Edited by Tony Thompson. - http://wistaria.blogspot.com/
Paper Wasp - Web site of the Paper Wasp hard-copy haiku magazine, a leader in the Australian haiku scene. - http://members.optusnet.com.au/paperwasp/
Photo-Haiku Gallery - International photo-haiku site from Tokyo, Japan, managed by Mitsugu Abe. See and submit photos and haiku. Photos and haiku are updated almost everyday. - http://home.alc.co.jp/db/owa/ph_top
Modern Haiku Magazine - English language print haiku magazine. Longest-running and largest in the business (pages and subscribers). Edited by Lee Gurga. - http://www.modernhaiku.org/
Mainichi Interactive - Haiku in English - Web site of the famous Mainichi Daily News Haiku in English column, edited by Kazuo Sato and Isamu Hashimoto. Has instructions for e-mail entries. - http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/haiku/index.html
Haiku Spirit - Thanks to webmaster Gilles Fabre, the "Haiku Spirit" begun by Jim Norton and Sean O'Connor lives in a new form. The site includes contributions in French and English. - http://haikuspirit.org/
Tinywords.com - Publishes just one new haiku every day on the web and via e-mail. You can even receive your daily haiku by short message service (SMS) or text paging. The message is nothing but one haiku and author's name. (The web page includes some biographical informa - http://tinywords.com/
HaikuHut.com - Haikuhut is a site that exhibits, supports, and mentors in the creation of Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka, as well as other 'short forms' of poetry. Includes Photo Haiku that merge images and words. Short Stuff, an on-line journal of short form poetry is publis - http://www.haikuhut.com/
Children's Haiku Garden - Website for haiku by children from Japan, the U.S., and other countries; includes charming thumbnail sketches. Accepts haiku and drawings by children. Maintained by Ryo Suzuki. Links to Japanese version. - http://homepage2.nifty.com/haiku-eg/
The Heron's Nest: a Haikai Journal - A quarterly quality haiku magazine published both online and in printed annuals, with submissions by e-mail or post. Edited by Christopher Herold, with associate editors Ferris Gilli, Robert Gilliland, Peggy Willis Lyles, and Paul MacNeil. Paul David Men - http://www.theheronsnest.com/
Contemporary Haibun Online - A quarterly online journal of haibun (prose works in haikai style, usually with one or more haiku included), edited by Jim Kacian, Bruce Ross, and Ken Jones, with webmaster Ray Rasmussen. - http://www.poetrylives.com/CHO/
Snapshot Press - Snapshot Press specializes in haiku, tanka, and short poem, producing books, chapbooks and journals including Snapshots, for haiku and senryu, and Tangled Hair, dedicated to Tanka. Presided over by John Barlow. - http://www.snapshotpress.co.uk/
Full Moon: A Literary Magazine - Full Moon is a new online magazine, with a focus on haiku, short poetry and photography, edited by Kate Steere and Kim Mladjen. - http://fullmoonlm.bravehost.com
Poetry Stop: the emagazine for fine poetry - An online poetry magazine that has a page dedicated to haiku, presided over by Chris G. Vaillancourt. - http://www.poetrystop.bravehost.com
Haiga Online - A web site devoted to haiga (haiku-style illustrations, often accompanying haiku) and haiku. Some sections feature both poems and haigafrom open submissions. Established by Jeanne Emrich in 1998, now managed by an'ya. - http://www.haigaonline.com/
Asahi Haikuist Network - Haiku selected by David McMurray are shared at this site with original haiga artwork by Mitsuaki Kojima and a poet`s notebook. The column is updated weekly and archived. Online submission directions. - http://www.asahi.com/english/haiku/
Acorn Book Company - Publishes and distributes books of haiku and other minimalist poetry, notably by authors in the UK. - http://www.acornbook.co.uk/
Acorn: a Journal of Contemporary Haiku - The site is associated with a hardcopy haiku journal, and features submission guidelines and sample haiku. Edited by A. C. Missias. - http://home.earthlink.net/~missias/Acorn.html