Poetry Knowledge Zone: Villanelle - Explanation, history, and step-by-step instructions for writing by Smitha Chakravarthula. Includes examples. - http://www.boloji.com/poetry/learningzone/pkz8.htm
Villanelle of Change - By Edwin Arlington Robinson. - http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/1738.html
Poetic Form: Villanelle - An explanation of the form, with the example of Dylan Thomas' "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" and a link to Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art," from the Academy of American Poets. - http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/5796
The Villanelle - By Sondra Ball. The poem describes the qualities of a villanelle while exemplifying it. - http://www.sondra.net/al/vol4/41villanelle.htm
Villanelle - By William Empson. - http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/706.html
Pan - Double Villanelle - By Oscar Wilde. - http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/poetry/PoemsbyOscarWilde/chap82.html
Poetry Form - The Villanelle - A description and explanation of the form, with examples and a step-by-step guide to writing one. - http://www.baymoon.com/~ariadne/form/villanelle.htm
Poetic Forms: The Villanelle - An article by Conrad Geller with examples by E. A. Robinson, Sondra Ball, and Dylan Thomas. Part of a series in Writing-World.com. - http://www.writing-world.com/poetry/villanelle.shtml
Villanelles for Free - A collection by Nicholas Gordon that can be used free for any personal or non-commercial purpose. - http://www.poemsforfree.com/villpo.html