American Verse Project - Adelaide Crapsey - The complete works of Adelaide Crapsey, mother of the cinquain form. -
University of Rochester Library: The Adelaide Crapsey Papers, 1978-1934 - A short biography of Adelaide Crapsey; catalogue of papers, scrapbooks, correspondence, and manuscripts house at UR Library's Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. Appropriate resource for scholars. -
Poetic Form: Cinquain - An explanation of the form, with examples earlier than those of Crapsey, from the Academy of American Poets. - - An exploration by Aaron Toleos of the American cinquain as popularized by Adelaide Crapsey. Includes cinquains by Toleos as well as the 28 cinquains by Crapsey included in the second edition of "Verse." Also includes the theory and history of th -
Brief Words - Five cinquains and five doublets (couplets with a title) by the Scottish poet William Soutar. -
two4six8two - Some "fun" examples of the cinquain that can be used to introduce students to short poetic forms. -
AHA! Poetry: Cinquain - A description of the form with numerous examples by Jeanne Cassler, Thomas D. Greer, and Alan Reynolds. -
Personality Quiz - What Poetry Form Am I? - A cinquain that describes the "personality" of a cinquain. With html code for transferring the cinquain to your site and links to "personality quizzes" for other poetic forms. -
Cinquain - A description of the form with examples by Suzanne Honour. -
AMAZE: The Cinquain Journal - Dedicated to developing, promoting, and publishing cinquains in the traditional form established by Adelaide Crapsey as well as innovative forms such as mirror cinquains and cinquain cycles or sequences. -
CinquainPoets - An online community of cinquain poets who meet in an open membership e-list on Yahoo!Groups. -