In Defense of Science Fiction
- An essay on science fiction and literature by critic and science fiction historian John Clute.
Science Fiction Studies - Website contains all article-abstracts and full texts of all reviews published in the journal since its founding in 1973, as well as featured essays, documents in the history of sf, and a bibliography of sf-criticism. -
Novelhead - Original science fiction, humour and tips for writers. -
Quantum Cosmos - Bibliography, essays and literary writings by Douglas A. Mackey, as well as reviews of books on physics and consciousness. -
Classics of Science Fiction - Identifying the classic books of science fiction. -
Science Fiction and Society - Discusses science fiction and its ties to human culture and social issues. Features new articles weekly, discussions, polls, and links. -
Her World Exploded - Essay taking the view that science fiction is about how you read a story, not how it's written. -
Tonya's Sphere of Influence - A brief historical survey of women writers of science fiction. -
Kittywompus Tracks Fanzines - A weblog providing critical reviews of paper and electronic SF fanzines. -
Science Fiction Research Bibliography - An extensive bibliography of printed reference material related to science fiction deemed valueable for research into the subject, from books available at Washington State University's Holland Library. -
Definitions of Science Fiction - More than fifty definitions of science fiction from authors. -