Spider Robinson
- Spider's official site with weblog, details of upcoming appearances, biography, and new and existing novels.
- http://www.spiderrobinson.com/
January Magazine - Spider Robinson - Interview with the author includes his thoughts about his books, space exploration, Dan Quayle, and Usenet. - http://www.januarymagazine.com/profiles/spiderrobinson.html
Rah, Rah, Rah - Spider's 1980 answer to the critics of Robert A. Heinlein. - http://www.heinleinsociety.org/rah/works/articles/rahrahrah.html
Lifehouse - Spider Robinson Book Review - Plot analysis, setting, characters, theme, and structure of some of his novels, and links to similar works by other novelists. - http://www.allscifi.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=78