SFcrowsnest: Fostering Science Fiction - Alan Dean Foster interviewed by fellow SFF author, Stephen Hunt. - http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/sfnews2/02_aug/news0802_4.shtml
Alan Dean Foster - A fan maintained web site with biographical and bibliographical information, interviews, and reviews. Additional information on his Commonwealth series of books. - http://filebox.vt.edu/users/mastone3/foster/
SFBookcase: Alan Dean Foster - Brief introduction to the writer with an annoted bibliography. - http://www.farris.co.uk/books/archive/adfoster.htm
Allscifi Alan Dean Foster Spotlight - A detailed analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of her greatest novels, and links to similar works by other novelists. - http://www.allscifi.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=32
Tal Cohen's Bookshelf: The Dig - Review of this science fiction book based on a computer game. - http://www.forum2.org/tal/books/dig.html