O'Dell, Jeri - The author of Living with an Unbelieving Husband - http://www.jeriodell.com
Olojan, Beverly - Also known as LeAnne Hill. Biography, news, and book information. - http://www.beverlyolojan.com/
Orloff, Erica - The Official web site for author of Spanish Disco, 60 second commute,the balloonatiks and many other books. - http://www.ericaorloff.com
Oliver, Jana G. - The author of Fantasy and Romance novels. - http://www.magespell.com/jgoliver/index.html
O'Shea, Patti - Romance author of Ravyn's Flight, a futuristic romance. Biography, book summary, excerpt, cover, contest, and mailing list. - http://www.pattioshea.com