A Visit to Jack Vance - How one reader got to spend a day with his favorite writer, and what they said and did. - http://homepage.mac.com/joebergeron/jackvance.html
The Jack Vance Treasury - Review of the Vance collection The Jack Vance Treasury in Sci Fi Weekly. - http://www.scifi.com/sfw/books/sfw14555.html
Foreverness - the VIE Resource Site - Description of the Vance Integral Edition, a volunteer project to publish all of Vance's writings in a single, 44-volume edition. Contains a Vance bibliography, vocabulary search tool, sample chapters and a message board. - http://www.integralarchive.org/
SFcrowsnest: The Blue World - Review of the SF novel The Blue World by Jack Vance. - http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/sfnews2/03_sept/review0903_25.shtml
Wankh versus Wannek - Critique of the decision to change the title of the novel Servants of the Wankh. - http://starling.us/wankh_vs_wannek.html
The Jack Vance Archive - Bibliographies of Vance's works and translations to various languages, scanned book covers, information about the author and the fanzine The Vance Phile. - http://www.jackvance.com/
Jack Vance Information - News, message board, newsletter, bibliography, images and links. - http://www.massmedia.com/~mikeb/jvm/