Ray Bradbury
- Harper-Collins Publishers official site for author Ray Bradbury. Site includes author profile, selected bibliography, novel excerpts, video interviews, weblog, newsletter, and message board.
- http://raybradbury.com/
Long Beach Reads One Book - Fahrenheit 451 - Multimedia e-book of Ray Bradbury reading the first part of his classic Fahrenheit 451. The text display is synchronized to the audio. - http://cetl.edtech.csulb.edu/f451/
Ray Bradbury Media - The works of Ray Bradbury, concentrating on media adaptations of his work - film, television, radio. Also a short story bibliography. - http://www.bradburymedia.co.uk/
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury: Study resources - Resources for the study of Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles. A teacher-created site for high school English teachers and students. - http://www.janaedwards.com/martian.html
It Came From Outer Space - Review of It Came From Outer Space the screenplay, by Ray Bradbury edited by Donn Albright. - http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/sfnews2/04_may/review0504_19.shtml
Ray Bradbury Online - Resource for students and fans of author Ray Bradbury. Includes biography, comprehensive bibliography, and quotations. - http://www.spaceagecity.com/bradbury/
Allscifi Ray Bradbury Spotlight - Detailed analysis of his books, especially the Martian Chronicles. - http://www.allscifi.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=83
Greentown, IL - Movie news, short story reviews, and a visit to his hometown of Waukegan. - http://redwood.stormloader.com/bradbury/
ClassicNotes: Fahrenheit 451 - Summary and analysis; biography, message board, quiz and background information. - http://www.classicnote.com/ClassicNotes/Titles/fahrenheit/
Martian Chronicles Study Guide - A study guide identifying the major characters and settings in the book. - http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~brians/science_fiction/martian_chronicles.html