Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892 - Online exhibit from the Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina. Features archive material, texts of several poems, photographs, and a biography. -
Astrocartography of Alfred Lord Tennyson - Biography of Alfred Lord Tennyson, focus on how the planetary metaphor of Saturn was reflected in his life and work, by renowned astrocartographer Rob Couteau. -
Alfred Lord Tennyson Forum Frigate - Discussion forum and live chat devoted to Alfred Lord Tennyson. -,AlfredLordhall/shakespeare1.html
Farringford, The - Tennyson's previous home now converted into a hotel with restaurant (Freshwater Bay) -
The Tennyson Page - Includes numerous online texts, audio recordings of Tennyson's "Ulysses" (.ram and .mp3 formats), and a Shockwave rendering of the final stanza of "Crossing the Bar". Requires plug-ins (RealAudio, QuickTime, and Macromedia Shockwave fo -
Alfred, "Eccentric" Lord Tennyson - Brief overview of the poet with some little known facts at the end. -