A Salute to Jean Shepherd
- Biographical information and a large collection of the works (including audio recordings, images, and writings) of the man who spent over 20 years on the radio telling stories of growing up.
- http://www.flicklives.com/
Jean Shepherd Preservation Society - They host an annual festival to celebrate the life and work of Jean Shepherd. - http://www.myspace.com/jean_shepherd
Schmidco - Jean Shepherd recordings on Audio CD and MP3. - http://www.sheptapes.com/
The Jean Shepherd Project - They collect recordings of his historic broadcasts, converts them to mp3 files and makes them available to be revisited by his longtime fans and by those who wish to discover what great American storytelling is all about. - http://www.thejeanshepherdproject.com/
Shep Talk Forum - For the serious and not so serious discussion of the works of Jean Shepherd. - http://www.sheptalk.com/
A Christmas Story House - The house used as the set in the movie A Christmas Story, now serving as a fund raising facility. - http://www.achristmasstoryhouse.com/
Jean Shepherd - Internet Movie Database - Biography, and filmography of his work as actor, writer, producer, and himself. Also includes information about some TV guest appearances. - http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0791789/
Excelsior You Fathead! - "The Art and Enigma of Jean Shepherd," a book by Gene Bergmann. - http://www.jeanshepherd.com/
Jean Shepherd Page - Devoted to the life and work of this humorist, author and radio personality. Biographical information, photos, and audio clips. - http://www.bobkaye.com/Shep.html