Lost Car Park: Robert Rankin - An Appreciation of Robert Rankin, written as a survival guide in case you should meet him. - http://www.lostcarpark.com/aliensstolemyhandbag/rankin.html
Sproutlore - The official fan club with a biography, book reviews, news, and sprout based merchandise. - http://www.sproutlore.com/
SFRAQ: alt.books.robert-rankin - A list of still fairly rarely asked questions from the newsgroup. - http://www.rumil.de/rankin/abr-r_sfraq.html
Robert Rankin - A complete list of the books along with their covers, their abstracts, and the 'official' biographies contained in them. - http://www.rumil.de/rankin/
the Way of iT - An account of a visit made by two men, to the borough of Brentford. - http://totl.net/Brentford/