Oldpoetry - Edwin Muir - A brief profile and a selection of poems by Muir. - http://oldpoetry.com/oauthor/show/Edwin+Muir
Muir, Edwin - A biography (on the BBC's Writing Scotland pages). - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/arts/writingscotland/learning_journeys/place/edwin_muir/
PoemHunter: Edwin Muir - Links to poems of Edwin Muir, and other resources related to the poet. Requires log-in registration - http://www.poemhunter.com/edwin-muir/poet-6684/
Edwin Muir - Poet, Critic and Translator - A time line of Muir's life with links to a dozen of his poems. Discussion of his roots in Scotland. Links to universities featuring Scottish studies. - http://muir.rhizomatics.org.uk/
Writing Scotland - Edwin Muir - An overview of the writer's life and works. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/arts/writingscotland/learning_journeys/scotlands_languages/edwin_muir/
The New Criterion: Edwin Muir's Journey - Robert Richman's biographical essay quotes from the autobiography and poetry of this 20th century Scottish poet. - http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/15/apr97/richman.htm