Guardian Unlimited Obituaries: Jane Jacobs - Obituary for the urban philosopher, born May 4, 1916; died April 25, 2006. -,,1763079,00.html
Vital Cities: An Interview with Jane Jacobs - Stewart Brand interview with the author whose "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" changed urban planning and policy by simply asking: what makes a vital city? Whole Earth, Winter 1998. -
The New York Review of Books: Charles Dickens, Seer - Article by Jane Jacobs, published July 19, 2001, discusses Dickens' novel "Hard Times" and his observations of social conditions. -
Jane Jacobs Interviewed by Jim Kunstler - Long interview, conducted in September 2000, with the American urbanist, author of "The Death and Life of Great American Cities," "Cities and the Wealth of Nations," "Systems of Survival," and other books. -
The Nature of Economies - Review of this book by Jacobs in Le Quebecois Libre, April 2000. -
Jane Jacobs: Writing on the Web - Links to excerpts and full text of Jacobs' writings on cities and other topics. -
Reason Magazine: Jane Jacobs Interview - Bill Steigerwald, an associate editor and columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, interviewed Jacobs in mid-March 2001 by phone. -