Ernest Hemingway - Biography - A detailed summary of Ernest Hemingway's life and works with links to audio presentation speeches. -
The Papa Page - A thorough description of Ernest Miller Hemingway's life and writings. The site includes pictures and links to other Hemingway information. -
A Biographical Look at Ernest Hemingway - A chronological outline of the life and literary work of Ernest Hemingway. The biography covers the major events of the author's life. -
Hemingway: A Look Back - Brief overview of Hemingway's life and works. -
Hemingway Home and Museum - Find out about the house Ernest Hemingway lived in during his Key West days. Includes some background information on the author and a life web cam. -
Hemingway's Places - The series features articles and interviews highlighting the different places and eras in the life of Ernest Hemingway. -
Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time - The National Portrait Gallery's exhibition on images chronicling Hemingway's life. -
A Tribute to Ernest Hemingway - An award winning site devoted to one person's admiration of Ernest Hemingway. -