The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin Through Wales - Based on the 1912 J.M. Dent edition. Introduction is a biography of the author. In plain text, or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg. -
The Description of Wales - Based on the 1912 J.M. Dent edition. In plain text, or as a zip file, from Project Gutenberg. -
The Itinerary of Archibishop Baldwin Through Wales - In searchable HTML at World Wide School. Each chapter has its own file, with links to previous, next, or any other chapter. In graphical browsers, this is the online equivalent of a "large print" edition. -
The Topography of Ireland - Thomas Forester translation, revised by Thomas Wright. 400K. -
The Conquest of Ireland - Thomas Forester translation, revised by Thomas Wright. 476K. -