Harlan Ellison Webderland
- An informal fan site but still loaded with information and the latest news on the Dark Prince of Fantasy, this site has Ellison's "official" stamp of approval.
- http://harlanellison.com/
Yahoo! Groups: ellisonalcove - A corner to discuss Harlan Ellison and his works. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ellisonalcove/
Harlan Ellison Comic Book Bibliography - Bibliographic reference exploring the comic book related work of the award winning writer. - http://www.steampunk.com/sfch/bibliographies/hecbb.html
Allscifi Harlan Ellison Spotlight - Analysis of the plot, theme, character and settings of his books. Share your thoughts by becoming an Ellison scholar on the site. - http://www.allscifi.com/Topics/topic_92.asp