David Eddings - Biography, detailed information about his books, quotations, trivia, maps, interviews, index of people and places in the novels. - http://eddings.fantastyka.art.pl/english.html
David Eddings: SFFworld - Biography, bibliography, news, book reviews and links to other David Eddings resources. - http://www.sffworld.com/author/165.html
Allscifi: David Eddings Spotlight - Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of his books, with links to similar books. - http://www.allscifi.com/Topics/Topic_65.asp
Algaria - Site focuses on this Eddings Belgariad/Mallorean kingdom and its inhabitants, plus general information on David Eddings, and a collection of quotes. - http://home.swipnet.se/algarien/index.html.htm
Belgariad/Mallorean Timeline - Detailed timeline by Matt Korth. - http://www.sandwich.net/kalten/eddings/timeline.html
Jack's David & Leigh Eddings Site - A large site with a variety of information on the fantasy worlds of David and Leigh Eddings. - http://home4.swipnet.se/~w-44583/eddings/
David Eddings and Role-Playing Muds - Site offers biographical information and additional links. Also connect to the Prophecy MUD. - http://www.prophecy.lu/david_eddings/