Driving Mrs Dalloway - Nicholas Wroe interviews Michael Cunningham, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Hours which was inspired by Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. From the online edition of the Guardian newspaper. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3929771,00.html
SplicedWire: Michael Cunningham and David Hare interview for "The Hours" - Interview in which novelist Michael Cunningham, and screenwriter David Hare talk about their passion for Virginia Woolf, and the film that came of their work. - http://www.splicedonline.com/02features/cunninghamhare.html
Pif Magazine: Interview with Michael Cunningham - Interview with Lorri Holt, shortly after Michael Cunningham had written his third novel 'The Hours'. - http://www.pifmagazine.com/SID/525/
QueerTheory: Michael Cunningham - Synopses of 'The Hours' and 'Home at the End of the World'. - http://www.queertheory.com/histories/c/cunningham_michael.htm