What is Real - Discuss topics from the paranormal to technology and movies. - http://whatisreal.chattablogs.com/
chronicles-network - Portal to forums focusing on science fiction and fantasy interests in all media. History, science and nature, world affairs and humour. - http://www.chronicles-network.com/
SciFi-Fusion - A message board community that discuss television, movies and books related to the genres. - http://www.scifi-fusion.com
Temporal Reality - Discussion on television and movie titles based on the genres. - http://odds.proboards24.com/index.cgi
Sci-Fi Talk - Discussion and information related to the genre. - http://www.sci-fi-talk.co.uk
Gonads and Strife - A forum for fantasy related books and female heroins. - http://gonadsandstrife.proboards38.com/index.cgi
Unified SciFi Forums - Forum discussions and role-playing covering the genres and horror topics. - http://forums.shadowdark.org/
Talk about Science Fiction - Sci-fi discussion forums. Chat about your favorite television shows, books, movies, characters or collectibles. - http://www.talkaboutsciencefiction.com
Battle for Middle Earth - Role-playing forum based on the Lord of the Rings saga. - http://cicereon.conforums3.com/index.cgi
Asynjur's Forum for Friends - Multi-genre forum covering topics such as myths and folklore, art, stories and poems and entertainment. - http://www.asynjur.com/
Mythic Folk Treeboards - Community treeboards for fans of speculative and mythopoeic genres, aimed at discussing mythic,cultural, or spiritual contexts in science fiction, fantasy, and popular culture. - http://www.mythopoetica.com/
Cool SciFi - Offers forums, a media gallery, an arcade, and a smilie creator. - http://www.coolscifi.com
Chronicles-Network Forums - Discussions covering TV, books and movies, as well as science and technology and world affairs. - http://www.chronicles-network.net/forum/index.php
Alder Hill - An online interactive medieval town situated in a fantasy world. The world is developed further by a global member community. - http://www.alderhill.net/
Middle Earth and Hogwarts Central - Discussion forums for Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fans. - http://com2.runboard.com/bmiddleearthandhogwartsboard
SF Fandom - Moderated discussion forums for fans of science fiction, fantasy, history, and mythology. Forums cover books, movies, television shows, and actors. - http://www.sf-fandom.com/
Tangent21 - Discussions covering the genres and cult TV. - http://www.tangent21.com
Outpost10f: Ten Forward - Star Trek role-playing chat. - http://www.outpost10f.com/tenforward
FutureNoir - Movies, books, television, and anime discussion. - http://www.futurenoir.com
Groucho's Sanctuary - Message boards covering a variety of topics on the genres. - http://www.grouchos.net/
Scifispace.com: Message Boards - Discussion on genre and horror topics, including television and movies. - http://www.scifispace.com/html/messageboards.html
SciFi.com Chat - Upcoming events, connection help, transcripts and FAQs for this IRC and java chat server. - http://www.scifi.com/chat/
Sci Fi Chat - Forum covering the genre with optional registration and member profiles. - http://www.scifichat.net/
Chicago Science Fiction & Fantasy Discussion list - The subscription information of a mailing list for denizens of the Chicago area to discuss issues relating to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. - http://www.lull.org/lists/chicago-scifi/
MARSnext - Chat community in a Martian setting. [fee registration required] - http://www.marsnext.com/
The Jedi Girl Internet Community - Message board, articles, and features for female fans of the genres. - http://www.jedigirl.com/