Queer Vampires - A sanguinary feast for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and the transgendered. Learn about queer movies, books and sites, read stories, see pictures or talk with others. - http://www.queerhorror.com/qvamp
Melinda Hayes' Vampire Resource Page - Bibliography, literature links, journals, artwork and vampires in movies, television, literature and music. - http://www-lib.usc.edu/~melindah/vampire.htm
Vampyre Exchange and Information Network - Organizations which cater for a variety of interests, locations and sources of "paraphernalia" and listings of events which is regularly updated. - http://www.vein-europe.demon.co.uk/
International Vampire - Amsterdam - A number of pages dedicated to vampires and the mystery of the undead. - http://home.planet.nl/~intrvamp/
Cafe de Minuit - List of vampire fiction, clubs and music. - http://www.cafedeminuit.com
Dark Fear - Sites organized by content, top 100, and search available. - http://www.darkfear.com/
Sanguinarium - Network and directory of individuals, social organizations and businesses. - http://www.sanguinarium.net/