Project Game Over - Features a series of collaborative animation movies recreating some of the first video games using human-beings as the pixels. Created by Swiss artist Guillaume Reymond. -
Honoria in Ciberspazio - A collaborative opera written by net-citizen volunteers. -
SimpleTEXT - A collaborative audio/visual public performance that relies on audience participation through input from mobile devices such as phones, PDAs or laptops. -
V-Med 2.0 - the sea of memory - An interactive installation conceived and realised by Electronic Shadow (Naziha Mestaoui and Yacine Aït Kaci), the duo of hybrid creation between real and virtual. -
Tempelhof - a digital composition in film and music by Tom America and Rob Moonen. A work in progress, the site is a log book. Berlin 2004, muzieklab -
Obsolescence of Graphical User Interface - An art exhibition concerning the obsolescence of graphical user interface: paintings, photos, poetry, digital images. -
The Wartime Project - Reflections on, and reactions against, wars--past, present and future--by digital and network artists. [Requires Flash]. -
Black Shoals Stock Market Planetarium - Visual art in the style of a planetarium. Stocks are displayed as stars, flickering when bought and sold and clustering according to market fluctuations. Online and offline versions. -
Book of Roofs Media/Installation - Brazilian artist Josely Carvalho focuses on shelter as a metaphor for that which houses the human soul. Digital video interactive project and website installation. - - An experiment in the collaboration of dance, web and interactive art in two parts; a streaming dance performance, and an interactive choreography work. -
Motherboard - Performances and installations which utilise and relate to digital pop culture and social interaction. -
Reverberant Sound Art - This site documents collaborative sound art projects by Iain Mott, Marc Raszewski and Jim Sosnin. The work explores the physical relationship between sound and the public and integrates sculpture, audio electronics and video. -
Blinkenlights - Online gallery of public interactive light installation by Chaos Computer Club turning a building at the heart of Berlin into a huge computer screen. People can play Pong using their mobile phone and create animations with downloadable tool. -
Vaina Systems - Several digital installation projects and hardware/software tools for artists. -
Web-of-Life - The web component of an interactive art installation at the ZKM Institute for Visual Media in Karlsruhe. -
Tissue Culture & Art project - Explores the use of tissue culture and tissue engineering as a medium for artistic expression. -
Soap Operas for Laptop Computers - GH Hovagimyan discusses his digital installation performance works for both laptops and seated computers. -
Meta Stream - Real time performance that contains live Real Video stream (animations and live camera mix), experimental sound & noise music in Real Audio and real-time web-page editing. The team is based in Riga (Latvia). -