All About Redesign Center - Offering online courses as well as workshops throughout the United States. Features class details, instructor profiles, events calendar, and decorating articles. Based in Minnesota. -
Rhodec International - Offers accredited interior design training and qualifications by distance learning. Profile, courses and prospectus with information about fees and enrolment. -
Home Redesign - Five day course taught by Val Sharp on home staging or redesign. Includes course details, biography, portfolio, testimonials and contacts. Located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. -
Limperts Academy - Home study. Shown are fees, faq, other courses, enrollment and contact information. -
Sanskruti Correspondence School - A two manual correspondence course in interior designing. Explanation of course, admission requirements, author information and contacts. Located in India. -
Twin Cities Center for Redesign - Training center for interior redesign training and networking with other redesigners in the local community. One and three day workshops. -
Become an Interior Decorator - Guide shows how to paid to decorate with advice from experts. Order on-line. -
UCLA Extension - Lifelong Learning - Certificate program offered in Interior design. Located in downtown Los Angeles. -
Redesign Training Program - Hands-on Interior "Re-design" professional training. Instructor-led limited-space five day seminars. Located in Thousand Oaks, California. -
Warren Gary Gay Decorations - Offers information about seminars in interior design for novices and professionals. Located in Atlanta, Georgia. -
Use What You Have Interiors - Five day training program for professionals focusing on redesign and redecoration using the furnishing you already own. Located in New York City. -
Sheffield School of Interior Design - Offers a home study course in interior design. Also found here are monthly design tips through an online magazine. -