Miguel Adrover - Most current collection gallery and archives listed at firstVIEW. - http://firstview.com/collection.php?s_d=999
Looksmart: Interview Magazine - Adrover and How - Joanna Jacovini talks to the designer who describes what he wants to achieve through his collections - a break with pretentiousness. - http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m1285/4_30/61535319/p1/article.jhtml
Time Europe Fashion: Miguel Adrover's Moneyed Moment - Lauren Goldstein gauges reaction to his second runway presentation for the Spring 2001 collection. - http://www.time.com/time/europe/magazine/2000/1009/adrover.html
Index Magazine - Glenn Belverio interviews the designer about his collection "politics" and trades some humorous stories. - http://www.indexmagazine.com/interviews/miguel_adrover.shtml
Vogue Stories: The Adrover Returns - Adrover makes it back to the runway after financial bottom falls out. - http://www.vogue.co.uk/vogue_daily/story/story.asp?stid=3798
Vogue Stories: All Over for Adrover - Adrover loses his financial backing through the Leiber Group. - http://www.vogue.co.uk/vogue_daily/story/story.asp?stid=1994
New York Metro: Full Frontal Fashion - Designer profile and runway photos provided. - http://www.newyorkmetro.com/metrotv/fff/designers/bios/migueladrover.htm