Go The Mo - Moustaches from New Zealand mostly. - http://gothemo.co.nz/
Dodgy Mooey - Large collection Of celebrity moustaches. - http://www.dodgymooey.com
Face My Hair - Facial hair rating site. - http://www.facemyhair.com
The Beard Community - Forum regarding beards, moustaches, handlebars, goatees, tailbacks. - http://beardcommunity.com
Mustache Competition - Humorous site about a mustache competetion, includes an online mustache gallery. - http://www.mustachecompetition.com
The Handlebar Club - An international club for men with handlebar moustaches. Founded in 1947. Based at the Windsor Castle pub in London, England. - http://www.handlebarclub.co.uk/
Beards - Different beard styles, information, growing tips, gallery of beard pictures. - http://beards.org
The Whisker Club - A beard and moustache club dedicated to having fun and helping the community. - http://www.whiskerclub.org
Goatee.org - How to grow, groom, and shave goatee beards. Reviews, information, and guides on grooming, shaving, and men's care. - http://www.goatee.org
National Beard Registry - Photo gallery of men's beards. Registrants can submit a photo of their beard. - http://www.nationalbeardregistry.org/beards/beards.asp
World Beard and Moustache Championships - Schedule, categories, registration and tickets and accommodation information. - http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com/
Fuzface Gallery - Different styles from a few days stubble to carefully manicured goatees to scraggly full beards. - http://www.zzapp.org/fuzface/
Organization for the Advancement of Facial Hair OAFH - Their goal is to promote the advancement of facial hair on all people and equality for all those who grow such. Contains information, history, activities and library. - http://www.ragadio.com/oafh/
Mustache Summer - Activism and art. Contains writings, articles and poetry. - http://www.mustachesummer.com/
Bill's Handlebar Mustache - Bill Innanen's personal experiences with this kind of facial hair. - http://bill.innanen.com/miscstuff/handlebar/index.shtml
Goatee Style - The art, life and humor of a guy and his goatee. - http://www.goateestyle.com/
Beard Research - The challenge, the experiment and the result of shaving on only half of a beard. - http://mudhead.uottawa.ca/~pete/beard.html
The Beard in Islam - Covering details and answering questions for Muslims. - http://www.islam.tc/beard/
Men Today Are Too Smooth - Humor column by Melvin Durai, a U.S.-based Indian humorist, who writes on American and Indian topics. - http://www.melvindurai.com/facialhair.htm