MN Rochester Woodcarvers - Providing opportunities and activities that will help members and others get more enjoyment out of their woodcarving hobby. -
United Chainsaw Carvers Guild - Promotes the art of chainsaw wood-carving world-wide. Includes directory of members, newsletter, and information about upcoming events. -
New England Woodcarvers - A guide to wood carving clubs, shows, and schools. A list of club contacts and activities with links to other carving clubs, and resources. -
Northwest Wood Carvers Association - Dedicated to learning, teaching, showing, and promoting the art of wood carving. Includes open gallery, show calendars, patterns, lesson, forum, and links to supplies and other carvers. -
Texas Woodcarver's Guild - Calendar of upcoming events, membership and officer information. -
NY Mohawk Valley Art & Wood Carving Association - Group founded in Canajoharie, New York in 1980 with membership now at over seventy members with specific focus on woodcarving. -
Pacific Flyway Decoy Association - Association of carvers seeking to promote and preserve North American tradition of hand-carved wood decoys. Creators of the Wildfowl Art Festival. -
IL Belleville Area Holzschnitzers - Formed in 1967 in Belleville, Illinois currently with 200 members dedicated to promoting woodcarving through weekly, monthly and annual events. -
MO St. Charles Area Wood Carvers - Club formed in 1987 currently with 70 members meeting at the St. Peters, Missouri, Cultural Arts Center. -
NY Erie Canal Woodcarvers - Founded as a woodcarving class/interest group in 1997 at the Kirkland Art Center Clinton, New York. Group objective is to share woodcarving knowledge, and have a good time doing it. -
OH National Wood Carvers Association - Links to woodcarving websites for amateur and professional carvers and whittlers. Membership fee includes subscription to ChipChats printed magazine. -
TX Caricature Carvers of America - Website lists over 70 instructional books with biographies of authors and photo examples of their humorous style of work. Includes a schedule of national exhibitions and seminars to promote caricature woodcarving. -