Eastside Handweavers Guild - A Weaving and Fiber Arts Guild based in the Detroit Area of Michigan. To promote the craft of weaving and spinning. - http://home.comcast.net/%7eeastsidehandweavers/homepage.html
Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild - Atlanta, Georgia area handweavers guild promoting weaving and other fiber arts. Program, class, exhibit and workshop schedules plus membership information. - http://www.chgweb.com
Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City - Serving professional and amateur weavers, spinners and other fiber enthusiasts in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Information on events, meetings, and online newsletter. - http://www.kcweaversguild.org/
The Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore, Inc. - A diverse group of fiber enthusiasts hold special events, workshops, study groups, a grant program and technical rating program. - http://www.wggb.org/
Sandpoint Fiberarts Guild - Sandpoint, Idaho. Current schedule, workshops and classes open to public and members. - http://www.povn.com/fiberart/index.htm
Michigan League of Handweavers - Photos of weavings, events and contact information for this non-profit, educational organization. - http://www.mlhguild.com/
Heritage Textile Arts Guild - Guild located on the southern Oregon coast whose mission is to pass on the cultural heritage of textile arts. List of officers, events and newsletter archives. - http://www.textile-arts-guild.com/
Greater Birmingham Fiber Guild - Fiber enthusiasts in Birmingham, Alabama. Study groups, equipment rental, current calendar of guild events. - http://www.gbfg.itgo.com/
Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association - A non-profit organization supporting the fiber arts, MAFA represents guilds from eight states in the Mid Atlantic region. - http://www.mafafiber.org/
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. - National Guild headquartered in Duluth, GA, dedicated to promoting the textile arts, provides a forum for fiber artists and hosts Convergence biennial conference. - http://www.weavespindye.org/
The Potomac Craftsmen - Washington DC area. Offers study groups, degree programs, runs an artists' co-op gallery. - http://www.potomaccraftsmenguild.org/