Oregon Potters Association - A non-profit group of potters working in Oregon and Southwest Washington. - http://www.oregonpotters.org/
The Potters of the Roan - This is a group of professional potters in the Bakersville, North Carolina area. - http://www.pottersoftheroan.com/
Potters' Guild of New Jersey - Offers members the opportunity to participate in meetings, guild-sponsored sales, workshops, website listings and interaction with area artists and potters. - http://www.pottersguildnj.org/
Toledo Potters Guild - Guild is a group of active and supporting potters in Toledo, Ohio. - http://www.toledopottersguild.org/
Clay Alliance of Greater Cincinnati - Provides objectives, membership information, calendar of events and a member's gallery. Describes this nonprofit's Empty Bowl event. - http://www.stevechrisman.com/clayalliance/caframeset.html
The Clay Studio - A non-profit ceramic art organization that provides classes and workshops, artists programs, exhibitions, special events, and the claymobile, a program that brings clay art to local schools. - http://www.theclaystudio.org/
Sacramento Potters Group - Clay and hot-glass artists in and around the capitol city of California. - http://www.sacramentopottersgroup.com/
American Potters - A searchable, database of potters, clay artists, teachers, students, workshop instructors, and others in the clay industry. - http://americanpotters.com/
Greenwich House Pottery - Established in 1909 in New York City. Site includes information about the group's history and community outreach projects, residencies/assistantships available. Includes a photo gallery of the studio. - http://www.greenwichhousepottery.org/
Baltimore Clayworks - Non-profit ceramic art center. Site provides information about classes, workshops, exhibitions, and community projects. Includes a calendar of upcoming events. - http://www.baltimoreclayworks.org
Triangle Potters Guild - Located in Raleigh, NC. Includes online gallery, newsletters, and events listings. - http://www.trianglepotters.org/
Arizona Clay Club - Pottery guild based in Phoenix Arizona. Site gives information about guild history, events, membership and Empty Bowls. - http://www.arizonaclay.org/
Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild - Pottery and ceramic news and information. Located in California's Silicon Valley area. - http://www.ovcag.org/
Majolica International Society - Activities bringing members together to share their collecting experiences and it encourages research about this most brilliantly glazed, exuberantly decorated and whimsical ceramic. New York, NY - http://www.majolicasociety.com/
Northern Clay Center - Dedicated to promoting excellence in the work of clay artists, providing educational opportunities for artists and the community, and encouraging and expanding the public's appreciation and understanding of all forms of the ceramic arts. - http://www.northernclaycenter.org/
NCECA National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts - The NCECA site contains member and conference information, images of NCECA ceramic exhibitions, others artist's ceramics and a database of Ceramics Programs. - http://www.nceca.net/
Clay Artists' Guild of Goshen - A cooperative studio that offers classes and a facility that provides saggar, crystalline, gas, raku, and connections to wood firing. - http://www.goshenclayart.com/
Ventura County Potters Guild - A non-profit organization promoting ceramic art and crafts in the community. Site includes member's gallery and ceramic links. - http://www.vcpottersguild.com/
American Ceramic Society's Web Site - ACerS, an international association that provides the latest technical, scientific and educational information to its Members and others in the ceramics and related materials field, structures its services, staff and capabilities to meet the needs of the - http://www.acers.org/
American Art Pottery Association - Promoting an interest and understanding, appreciation, and recognition of American Art Potter. - http://www.amartpot.org/