Association of New Zealand Embroiderers Guild - To communicate, educate, promote and preserve the artistry and craftsmanship of embroidery and in doing so enjoy the fellowship of like-minded people. -
Embroiderers Guild, Victoria - A not-for-profit organization open to all lovers of embroidery and textiles, whether beginner or expert. Based in Victoria, Australia. -
The Embroiderers' Guild Queensland - To promote, preserve and encourage all aspects of embroidery by providing a venue for embroiderers to meet, classes to be held and heirloom pieces to be collected. -
The Embroiderers' Guild of South Australia Inc. - To promote the practice, study and appreciation of embroidery in all its forms and to encourage excellence by practice and example. -
The Embroiderers' Guild Of Western Australia - The guild aims to foster, preserve and extend the ancient art of embroidery in all its forms and to maintain a high standard of work. -
The Embroiderers' Guild NSW Inc. - Aims to encourage the art of embroidery while maintaining a high standard of design and technique in embroidery. NSW, Australia. -
Diary of a City & Guilds Embroidery Student - Journal entries about an embroidery study course by an artist living in Ireland. -
Brazos Valley Stitchers - Needlepoint and needle art guild located in Bryan College Station, Texas. -
Needle Arts Guild of Puget Sound - Centered in Pierce County Washington. Guild is looking for new members, but will also reach out to help others on the web with their stitchery problems. -
Evenweave Fabricstabbers Webring - This ring is a collection of websites of stitchers of counted cross stitch, hardanger, drawn thread, pulled thread, counted canvas, crewel, and other forms of stitchery. -
Northern Ireland Embroidery Guild - Promotes traditional hand embroidery, contemporary machine embroidery and textile art through lectures, workshops and exhibitions. Includes a Gallery of Embroidery. -
Practical Study Group - Aims to impart the satisfaction of working with fabric and threads, and the excitement of exploring the design process. Affiliated with the Embroiderers' Guild. -
Embroidery Help - Email list about machine problems, source, shows, or any other embroidery related subjects. -
DesignSearch - E-mail list for embroiderers to search for designs online. -
Cyber Stitchers - The online chapter of the Embroiderer's Guild of America. -
The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc - Non-profit embroidery guild was founded to foster high standards of excellence in the practice of the art of embroidery, and to develop an active program of education and study to meet the needs of its members. -
South Central Region EGA - Region area includes Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Our purpose is to foster standards of excellence in the practice of embroidery through an active program of education. -
Needlework Guild of Minnesota - Learn about a guild that fosters the art of needlework through educational programs, workshops, tours, a library, newsletter and monthly meetings. -