Polyner Artist Web Ring - For those artists that create collectibles. List of sites currently in ring, HTML code, and, joining information. - http://V.webring.com/hub
Miniature Net - For the promotion of dollhouse scale miniatures. Information on the ring, membership guidelines, and a news area. - http://ring.miniature.net/
Poly Ring - Accepts commercial and personal pages. Membership details and site list. - http://j.webring.com/hub?ring=pclay
Believe in Fairy Tales - Fairies, mermaids, babies and other fantasy sculptures that are made by hand. Membership information and site links. - http://t.webring.com/hub?ring=believeinfairyta
Christmas in Your Heart - For creators of Santa dolls or anything Christmas. List of sites, membership information, and description. - http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=inheart
Faery Haven Polymer Clay Webring - For those who specialize in fantasy sculpture. List of sites and membership information. - http://x.webring.com/hub?ring=faeryhavenpolyme
Polymer Clay Art Work - List of sites, membership information, and HTML codes. - http://g.webring.com/hub?ring=polymerclayartwo&id=10&hub
Polymer Clay Miniatures - Listing of artists who are focused on miniatures: Food, accessories, furniture, dolls and anything miniature. List of site, membership information, and HTML code. - http://x.webring.com/hub?ring=polymerclayminia