Ottawa Knitting Guild - The Ottawa Knitting Guild invites you to join us in our monthly meetings to learn, to teach, to share. -
Seattle Knitters' Guild - Seattle based knitting guild that promotes the art of handknitting. -
The Sand & Sea Kntting Guild - A non-profit organization and a chapter of the Knitting Guild Association, located in Mailbu, California. -
Charitable Crafters - Seeks to inspire those that knit, spin, quilt, crochet, and weave to make items for donation. Focus is on Northern Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin. -
Windy City Knitting Guild - Membership organization which encourages and fosters knitting in the Chicago area. -
Stitch 'n' Bitch Chicago - Named after the original stitch and bitch knitting groups formed by our mothers and grandmothers decades ago. -
South Hills Knitting Guild - Southwestern Pennsylvania guild meets monthly September-May, bi-monthly newsletter, and special tips for lefties. -
Rochester Knitting Guild - Rochester Knitting Guild is an organization to promote interest, appreciation and skill in knitting. -
The Minnesota Knitters' Guild - Minnesota organization of 300 members promoting fellowship in the art of knitting. -
Madison Knitters' Guild - Madison area knitters guild with newsletter, calendar, and monthly meeting. -
Las Vegas Knitters - Group of knitters in Las Vegas, Nevada who meet at least once a month to knit, share projects and experiences. -
K1P2 (Knit one, Purl two) - Knitters of all ages from Howard County, Maryland meet the first and third Thursday of the month 6-8pm at the Lakeside Cafe on Wincopin Circle in Columbia, MD. -
KNOTs - A group blog featuring fun-loving knitters knitting in Paris, France. -
The Knitting and Crochet Guild of Great Britain - Formed to preserve, promote and encourage the crafts of crochet, hand-knitting and machine knitting. -
Kelly Girls - A Chicago-based knitting circle, meeting weekly on the North side of the city. -
The Greater St. Louis Knitters' Guild - Provides monthly educational programs, professional workshops, community service opportunities, monthly newsletter. -
Dallas Hand Knitters Guild - Dallas area guild meets monthly September-May promoting the art of knitting. A chapter of The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA). -
Canadian Guild Of Knitters - A group of knitters who have gathered to ensure that Canada continues to have a guild to share and learn about our craft. -
Big Apple Knitters Guild - New York City organization comprised of over 300 knitters meeting monthly and organizing other knitting events. Includes links of "how to knit" sites, events schedule and NYC yarn shops. -